(630) 467-9100 I sales@rswiss.com

Industries Served

Precision in the aerospace industry is of utmost importance. A single imperfection or faulty component can result in thousands of dollars’ worth of damage – not to mention a considerable safety risk. Which is why we at Roberts Swiss are dedicated to producing superior ultra-precision aerospace components.
Swiss-machined components, kits, and assemblies are used throughout the aerospace industry. Whether hinges, bushings, manifolds, clamps, or other custom-manufactured parts, it’s crucial that aerospace equipment and parts be made with the highest-quality materials in order to function properly. While titanium and Kovar are the most common materials used in aircraft components, other options include stainless steel, Inconel, aluminum, and super-alloys.
As air travel continues to build and expand, the aerospace industry will increasingly rely on the best Swiss-turned parts to maintain reliable operation and safety. Precision and accuracy are critical, whether machining components for civil aviation or military aviation needs.

At Roberts Swiss, our highly skilled machinists work closely with your team to develop the specific aerospace components and spare parts your project requires. Our engineers possess decades of experience designing the highest-quality, precision Swiss parts, often working with you to refine the original design to improve the application as a whole.
Whether you need an anti-lock brake housing for aircraft or any other complex aerospace component, our Swiss machining services will exceed your expectations while meeting the highest industry standards. Our micromachining capabilities can create ultra-small, precise pieces, regardless of the size or tolerance requirements.
We excel at producing aerospace parts that other machine shops can’t touch. Let the Roberts Swiss professionals work with you to help your aerospace project take flight.