(630) 467-9100 I sales@rswiss.com

Recreational and Sporting Goods
Industries Served

At Roberts Swiss, we manufacture ultra-precision Swiss-turned parts for the recreational and sporting goods industry, under the controls of our ISO 9001:2015 quality system.
Our extensive knowledge of the aesthetic requirements for consumer products is evident in the superior surface finishes we achieve in our all-Swiss manufacturing processes. Recreational components are produced on various precision manufacturing machines to your exacting tolerances.
Whether you’re needing risers and cams for the archery industry; receivers, bolts, triggers and scopes for the firearms industry, or various components for the marine and ATV industry, we have the expertise and technical capability to exceed your expectations.
Recreational and sporting goods manufacturers trust the Roberts Swiss team of expert machinists to deliver quality parts. From arrowheads and switches to safety parts for firearms, we combine form and function. So our Swiss-turned parts look as good as they work. Our manufacturing partners rely on us to assist with every step the project -- from initial concept to the finalized product.
Not only do we have the ability to Swiss-machine extremely accurate ultra-small parts, but we also offer specialized finishing and coatings. So your sporting goods product looks great and lasts in the field. Roberts Swiss is your quality resource for recreational and sporting goods machining services.