(630) 467-9100 I sales@rswiss.com

Our History
About Us

Roberts Swiss Inc. was founded in 1953 in the city of Chicago by two WWII veterans. Originally known as Roberts Pivots & Needles Inc., the company began making high-end phonograph needles, using some Swiss-type Escomatic machines to manufacture the shafts.
The phonograph needle business was sold and the owners continued to manufacture component parts on the Swiss-type screw machines.
As the company grew, more Escomatic machines were purchased, and then Tornos & Strohm Swiss-type cam automatic machines. And eventually, Swiss-type CNC’s.
Roberts’ reputation grew, too. The company became well-known as a local manufacturer of Swiss-turned parts. They developed a great working knowledge of Swiss machining and supporting processes and, before long, their customer base expanded nationally.
Responding to the needs of the medical device industry, Roberts developed a machining strength in component parts for the minimally invasive surgical device sector in the 1980's. Today, the company is a global supplier—not only in the medical and dental industries but also in hydraulics, pneumatics, flow control valves, industrial automation, recreation and more.
We are now under second-generation leadership with the third generation in-house, focused on the future.